I was a sceptic too, I'm an engineer so used to dealing with science, facts and logic! I was worried at first too, but followed the advice and flushed with a new moon. I used Hulda's recipe and I only felt nauseous the following morning (hard to face 3rd dose of Epsom Salts in water at 7:30am on a Sunday) but that passed very quickly. It does not hurt at and I was in shock to see the results were exactly as posted on this site. I was amazed. I could not believe I was passing green stones, I felt re-energised, my forehead cleared in 48 hrs and the skin became soft again. Just done my 2nd flush and will continue till my clear skin and energy returns to normal. I will try the mag cit instead when I finish the salts. My super sceptic banker husband wants to give it a go (that is truly amazing in itself) with the mag cit. Will do my 3rd flush when the next new moon comes.