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Re: Retaliation by doctor for my doing gallbladder cleanse
McKynna Views: 1,811
Published: 21 y
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Re: Retaliation by doctor for my doing gallbladder cleanse

Needless to say most doctors are total jerks....Worked with them for years....My question is: What state do you live in? Only a couple states "don't" allow patient access to their medical records........ most do. You can file a formal complaint with the Bureau of Medical Quality Assurance against your doctor (and I use the term "doctor"lightly_ in your state. Include the extensive documention you referred to.... Send a copy to your local medical society, and to the MIB. Medical Insurance is somewhat like DMV....they have a central file on everyone who has had insurance processed for any medical condition covered by insurance. Hope this helps... You can reach me at Rae

Needless to say most doctors are total jerks....Worked with them for years....My question is: What state do you live in? Only a couple states "don't" allow patient access to their medical records........ most do. You can file a formal complaint with the Bureau of Medical Quality Assurance against your doctor (and I use the term lightly in your state. Include the extensive documention you referred to.... Send a copy to your local medical society, and to the MIB. Medical Insurance is somewhat like DMV....they have a central file on everyone who has had insurance processed for any medical condition covered by insurance. Hope this helps... You can reach me at Rae


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