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Thought I'd introduce myself (CA)
gardeninginthefog Views: 2,635
Published: 21 y

Thought I'd introduce myself (CA)


I've been frequenting curezone for about six months now, mostly as a lurker, but I post occasionally. I find this site amazing, informative, mid boggling and overwhelming. I’m married to a great guy who, in his willingness to humor me, agreed to go on the Candida diet to make his joints better—he only agreed to a week, but by day four he signed up for a month. He is now on Colosan and Three Lac and working his way into the second month of the diet. We’re located in San Francisco CA (which is why I am gardening in the fog), both in our 30’s, and have a really strong desire to get healthy before starting a family.

I’m working on taking care of gout, endometriosis, kidney related complaints, digestive disorders, and some gum problems. The hubby has digestive disorders, joint pain, and probably needs to overhaul his liver.

So far I’ve done a nine day master cleanse, P&B shakes, Coenzyme Q-10, liver flush, enemas, many different kidney cleansing teas, and started on some Dr. Shultze herbs, triphala, BodyPure footpads (wow do those things help!), detox baths, Watermelon baths, and a slew of other things.

I find there are so many layers of information (and all inter-related and important) that is a little overwhelming.

I get a little confused because there are so many regimes.

So far my biggest challenge has been nourishing my body enough so that it is supported and built up enough for the detoxification demands I am putting on it. That and remembering what to take/do when, so it won’t interfere with the other thing. (All while doing candida diet. Whew!)

I’m new to the bay area, and kind of isolated. Would love to get to know Curezonians, especially in the Bay Area, but anywhere else too. I’d also love advice from people who’ve been there on zappers, juicers, foot-baths, and naturopaths/herbalists/healers/midwives in the area.

Some things I am considering are:
*getting a zapper,
*a hydraulic juicer press of some sort (I have a champion that I can use as a grinder [for as long as it holds up, I bought it used and unfortunately it sounds as if it is barely alive]),
*oh, and maybe someday a foot-bath (since the pads work so amazingly and I’ve heard the baths are even better).

Thanks for reading my post,


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