Hi my name is Pam, I am a 49 year old mother of 4 and nana of 2 beautiful little granddaughters and I am from Northeastern Utah, just 100 miles from Colo border. Untill six years ago I was a resident of eastern Montana, where I grew up. I found Curezone quite by accident and I am a daily visitor now. Trying to get myself healthy the natural way. I was looking for information for my daughter who has been extremely sick for the last few years and fell into Curezone, to which I am now addicted. lol
I am an avid visitor of Curezone team, Shelley's and Dr Schultz's forums. I have always had an herb garden and a veggie garden until moving to Utah, I have no place at my current residence to grow a garden. My husband and I have been married for 26 years and I am blessed that he is still with me as he suffered a heart attack when he was 31 and unwent a double bypass when he was 32, now he is so healthy that you would never know that he was ever sick.