It's Gone
Dear ones,
I really believe I am right about there being an emotional and spiritual connection to FSH dystrophy. This is going to sound airy-fairy weird, but I must share my experiences as they happen.
Yesterday as I was cleaning the house I got this tremendous urge to worship the Lord. I put in one of my favorite worship CDs. This wave of emotion came over me and I begged the Lord to allow me to be near Him. There was such peace in the house. The Spirit was heavy. I burst into tears, releasing stuff I didn't even know I was holding in.
This morning I must have passed a hundred
liver stones . I'm doing the
Liver Flush on
Dr. Schulze 's Incurables Program. Today is day 12 of the IP, day 5 of the liver flush.
I felt the need to have a morning Bible devotion with my daughters. Together we looked at 2 Peter 1:1-4 about the exceeding great and precious promises to us as believers, also Jesus' response to the withered fig tree in Mark 11, about the faith to move mountains, and whatsoever you desire, God will allow, if it's according to His will and His Word.
The Lord gave me an anaolgy that my girls could understand. They love pretty polished rocks, the kind you can get at museum gift shops. John and I bought some for them when we were in Seattle. There are so many beautiful rocks in those big bins, and you want to keep all of them, but you only choose a few. Why would one pretty yellow rock be chosen over any other pretty yellow rock? Why would I select a certain purple one over another one? To the casual observer it might look pretty random, but to the chooser, there is something that makes one rock chosen and another not chosen.
We are like those rocks. Why does God choose some of us to be saved and not others? Why did I get chosen to go in God's little felt bag of pretty rocks, and not all those other rocks? Why did God chose my daughters- and all of my family- over all the other rocks out there? We don't know. But for whatever purpose, God selected us, and so we glady serve Him. For what purpose? To bring Him glory, and to be virtuous. Don't we give praise to God for the beauty of those little rocks? They really are pretty. But more importanly, what a great Creator we have who can create not only pretty rocks but also everything we see around us that it natural. And God created us, and loves us so much, that He gave us His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place so that we could have an eternal place in heaven with God.
After I had this devotion with the girls, I prayed a blessing over my body. I've never done that before, and at first I thought I was being a little proud. I crossed my arms and laid my hands on my biceps, which are my weakest muscles, and prayed for strength for my body, and spoke strength to my body. I felt a warm buzzing. Not highly electrical, just a warmth with slight tingling. I knew my body was responding.
I am not making this up. This really happened.
Then I got a revelation that FSH was a physical manifestation of a spirit of fear- fear stored in the muscle tissues. I told the fear to go in the name of Jesus. It did. It's gone.
What is left is a weak body which needs to be restored. But I don't have fear lodged in my muscle tissues any more. It's gone. What's there is peace, more mental clarity, a determination to restore my body to wholeness, and an unsurpassible love.
Now I know what my "demon" is, if you will. I know what it feels like, I can recognize it, and if it tries to come back (which I fully expect) I can resist it.
I'm going to have to discuss this with my doctor. I think this is a vital key in treating FSH.