Re: acidic vagina
You need to make your system more alkaline. Things that make you have an acidic system:
processes sugars
snack foods like Doritos and all that junk
Things that keep you alkaline:
fresh veggies and fruits
Apple Cider Vinegar will help your system to become more PH balanced. Only use bragg's brand or similar, never use Heinz or other brand found in grocery store - these are only flavored. ACV is a major major help in restoring your system properly.
Do you have yeast infections? Usually an acidic environment causes yeast infections.
Try to eliminate starches and sugars and concentrate on eating a more vegetarian diet for a couple of weeks. Have you actually tested your PH? I would definitely get some Ph strips and test yourself everyday so you know what makes a difference.
And don't forget, it isn't always the females problem if the male is hurting after or during sex. It could be something in HIS system. Perhaps he needs some ACV too, maybe both Ph's are out of balance.
I just got my fiancee on ACV and his sperm doesn't taste so acidic any more. It used to make my teeth feel like I'd just drank straight lemon juice - gritty and raw. Now he tastes sweet and no longer acidic. we think his sytem was way too acidic. And there are a number of other health factors that are improving on him too.
good Luck!