Yesterday I decided to see what my bowel tolerance was for vitamin C. Knowing the healing and antioxidant properties of Vitamin C, I knew that it would be important to be getting "enough." I proceeded to find out what "enough" was for this body. By flushing my body with 5 grams of sodium ascorbate (Bronson Labs) dissolved in a glass of distilled water per hour for five hours and then proceeding to add 5 grams in water every 30 minutes after that, I found my BT to be 50 grams of pure Vitamin C powder.
At the bowel tolerance point, I began to experience loose bowels and diarrhea, which lasted for approximately 12 hours. Before that I experienced a lot of abdominal discomfort in the form of cramps along with abdominal distension and generalized edema. All of these syptoms have since subsided.
I would not recommend that anyone do this on a child. An adult sufferer might enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their body is getting all the vitamin C that it needs to do the job. I will post if I notice any remarkable healing from megadosing with Vitamin C.