Let's Start at the Very Beginning
Dear ones,
I have been educating myself about natural healing in general for over eight months now. I have sat at the feet, figuratively, of some of the greatest healers of our time. I am so grateful for each one's special contribution to the healing picture.
It has finally hit me that "take responsibility for your own health" means "take responsibility for your own health." One of my "teachers," Dr.
Richard Schulze , says to ask "Why am I sick?" Then he says to stop doing the things that have been making you sick and start doing the things that will make you well.
I have been all over the place researching this, that, and the other healing protocol. With a few eccentricies, the message is the same. I must obey God's laws of health in order to be healthy. I must want to be well. I must not use my illness or disability as a crutch or an excuse to be irresponsible. I must change. That change must become a permanent lifestyle change. I must realize that the old way is slowly killing me and these lifestyle changes will be life saving.
I still do not understand how muscular dystrophy works. Neither do the researchers, who spend milions of dollars a year trying to find a cure. I can somewhat understand how a child can be born with the dytrophin gene, as in DMD. I certainly do not understand how a perfectly healthy girl and young adult woman can begin an insiduous path down a slippery degenerative path called FSHD in her mid-thirties and someone calls that genetic.
I do know, however, that the cells have an ability to communicate with each other, even at the DNA/gene level. I know that we have a loving Father in heaven who created us and knows about this cell communication and all its intricacies. I also know that I have the ability to give every tool my body needs to perform its miraculous healing work.
The one thing I do not know is if the human body can repair itself of muscular dystrophy. I do not know (in my brain) if new regenerated muscle tissue can grow back where it was once destroyed. I believe (in my spirit) that it can through faith in Jesus Christ, because nothing is impossible with God. I also believe two great healers, Dr. John Christopher, who mentions curing muscular dystrophy in his notes, and his student, Dr.
Richard Schulze , who insists "There are NO incurable diseases!" Many other fine natural healers use the basic principles taught by these men.
Correcting old, well established habits, ingrained thought patterns, and "truths" I believe about myself are the first part of the healing process. Taking great, tender care of the body God gave me instead of abusing it with wrong food and other toxins is another part. Using herbs and food as my medicine as God created them for this purpose is another aspect.
Another enemy that I must eliminate is stress. As I analyze my life as it now plays out, I see that most of the stress in my life is self-imposed. I must get this stress under control. Worry, anxiety, and stress come from satan and have no place in a person's life. Stress, I know see, is a killer! Jesus Christ says, "Come to me, all ye who labor, and I will give you rest." When I sense stress, worry, or anxiety, I must go to the Lord with it. "Cast your cares upon the Lord, for He careth for you."
So the very first step in the healing of muscular dystrophy, as with any disease, is not great nutrition as I had previously thought. I must turn the picture of health I have in my mind upside down. What was last must become first.
The very first step in any healing work is to trust in God. It is He who will do the healing in me. I must quit fighting Him, relax, and allow Him to do it.
Toward the cure,