Step #1: Bless your colon!
Your colon is like the drain pipe of a house. You know what happens when your drain gets clogged. If you don't keep the drain running smoothly, the line backs up into your sink or toilet, it overflows, and you've got a nasty mess to clean up. You have to call the plumber and he snakes out the sewer line. The plumber business is $150 richer, you are $150 poorer, and it all could have been prevented if you had scraped the rice leftovers into the garbage can instead of the disposal (I wonder where I got that story? LOL).
People normally don't talk about their colons or bathroom habits, but in a health forum, it's perfectly acceptable and encouraged. For instance, did you know a person is supposed to have 2-3 large BMs every day? Did you know that a whole lot of people only go once a week? Seriously, a person is supposed to have a good BM for every meal he/she eats. You are supposed to use everything you eat within 24 hours, and then out the unusable stuff goes. If you aren't performing like this, you are constipated. This puts you at a tremendous risk of colon cancer.
Did you know that top medical texts like the Merck Manual are now saying that virtually EVERY American will end up with colo-rectal cancer if they live long enough? I sure don't want any more diseases than what I already have, so I am doing something about it. You can, too, and it's not hard.
First, drink a lot more water. Here's how you decide how much. Take your body weight- jump on the scales if you need to- and divide that number in half. Got it? OK, that new number is the amount of
ounces of pure, distilled water you need to be drinking every single day. Example- you weigh 140 pounds. You need to drink 70
ounces of water every day. If you weigh 200 pounds, you need to drink 100
ounces of water a day. Now, in case you have forgotten your second grade math (LOL I teach second grade or I would forget!), there are 64 ounces in a gallon. So if you are a woman weighing 128 pounds, you would still need to drink a gallon of water a day. John (my husband) brought me a huge 44
oz commuter cup for my water. When it's full I can barely lift it. I drink all of that by lunch time, and fill it about 2/3 full for the afternoon.
This water needs to be distilled. Stop, stop, stop drinking tap water. Today. The chlorine in it is killing all the beneficial bacteria in your intestines, chlorine plus flouride are poisonous, and there's a lot of other toxic junk in there from whatever has been sent down the river or in the ground water to your city. I'll talk more about water later, but right now, drink your water, and drink it distilled!
The second thing you need to do for your colon is to take an herbal supplement to get your bowels moving regularly, and once a season (at least) take another on to really scrub out the old fecal material that gets crusted in the bowel pockets, nooks and crannies of your large intestines. This is gross, but you can have old crud in you that you've carried around for decades.
The top product for cleansing your colon (not just my opinion)is Dr.
Richard Schulze 's Intestinal Formulas #1 and #2. The #1 is a capsule you take with dinner to get you "going" regularly, and the #2 is the cleanser. Ask Bob anything you want about these and any other
Dr. Schulze product.
The third thing you need to do is to start taking ground organic golden flaxseed. This is not in the IP, but still comes highly recommended by many, not only for colon health, but for the very high content of Omega-3 oils in flaxseed. We FSH folks need as much help in the Omega-3 department as we can get. Here's a link to a post my friend Owen wrote concerning how to prepare and take ground organic golden flaxseed. You take 2 TBS with breakfast and 2 TBS with dinner.
The final thing you need to start doing is taking a good probiotic, to replace the beneficial bacteria/flora in your intestines. I'll describe this in a seperate post.
To happy colons LOL,