Perhaps you read all of the posts for the Incurables Program (bless you!) and now you say, "That's just too overwhelming for me! Can't I do this little by little?" You sure can, and I'll show you how! I'll break each of the sections of IP down into little baby steps, plus add other protocols that are recommended by the top natural health practitioners in the world. Each baby step will make a world of difference in your overall health.
Let me stop here and give credit to a great lady that goes by the username Flylady. She started using the words "baby steps" to help people get their homes and lives orderly. Here is the link to this great website. I started using this method of housecleaning over two years ago. Being orderly in one area (my home) brought me a level of peace to where I could work on being orderly in another area (my health).
What's the first step to great health? Blessing your colon! You're going to love how you feel with a clean, healthy colon. I'll explain in a seperate post.