Ann Coulter's anti-stem-cell attack: plagerism
In Ann Coulter's latest book, it seems she's exercised a bit of web site plagerism in order to make a point about stem cell research -- specifically copying, almost verbatim, a list of allegedly successful treatments of various conditions using adult stem cells (as opposed to fetal stem cells).
You can read all about it (and lots of other examples of near-plagerism from Ms. Coulter)
No sources for the claims are cited, of course, either by Ms. Coulter or the original source.
I'm all for using adult stem cells from willing donors wherever possible, but current scientific thought [subject, as scientific thought is, to change] is that adult stem cells just aren't as malleable as embryonic ones, if at all.
If anyone can provide actual evidence of adult stem cell research being effective, it would then be easy to put an end to the debate....