Population/Stewardship Implications of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH
I saw the movie AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH last night. Abortion, itself is not mentioned. Population is mentioned as a key factor in adding to Global Warming. The melting of the Polar ice Caps seems to be more of a reality. There will be a point where the ice caps will melt more quickly, as more warm water surrounds the ice caps.
Population is an issue for how many people are living near sea level and the melting of one ice cap will raise the sea level 40 feet.
More importantly, is the disinformation carried by the news media. People would like to believe that Global Warming is a problem that can be worried about later. People are good at denying problems that can vbe delayed. News articles surveyed on Global Warming portrayed the possibility of flaws in Global Warmiong theories in 53 % of the articles. People are buying/watching news of reasons to deny the realities of Global Warming.
Population is further a problem as rainfall will be greater, as Global Warming continues to increase, but Rainfall will be in more concentrated areas, so areas with little rainfall now, will have even less with Global Warming.