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breastfeeding mothers of eczema babies please read...
aunty Views: 1,713
Published: 20 y

breastfeeding mothers of eczema babies please read...

For those mothers who are breastfeeding and have babies who suffer with eczema, please read the message posted by 'pattiecake' in response to a message by 'salmeen' titled "the baby who can't eat". In particular, she mentions her Amalgam fillings (mercury/metal) as the culprit for eczema in her child; due to the metals that had entered the babies system through a transfer from her breastmilk (in her system, as a result of the Amalgam fillings).

This is probably one of the most important messages (there are many) I've seen on this eczema site. I don't even know if 'pattiecake' realizes the significance of the importance of the information she provided. I see it as a major breakthrough for many mothers who've been trying to get a handle on what is causing their child's continued discomfort. Her message is like finding a missing piece to a puzzle; or having a longtime mystery, finally solved. I had realized the connection of Amalgam fillings to eczema discomfort (as well as a culprit for many other diseases); but had not made the connection to babies as a result of breastfeeding. Her revelation could mean breakthrough for a multitude (in the hundreds of thousands) of eczema suffering children. I cannot stress enough the importance of her findings. Please read her post in response to 'salmeen's' post!!!

If I have built a reputation as someone to listen to on this site, then this is the time that I really want serious attention to be given to my suggested request. To me, 'pattiecake's' revelation is like striking gold. I know that she knew her information was important, but I don't think she realized how important a find it truly is.



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