I think it's actually the prolifers who are out to prove a point by trying to get rid of a woman's right to get a safe and legal abortion -- or at least to make it as difficult as possible.
When a woman chooses to have an abortion she does it for herself, because it's the right choice for her life at the time. It's really nobody else's business. This shouldn't even be a legal or political issue. There is NO POINT OF ANY KIND TO BE MADE. PERIOD. It's the prolifers who keep dragging the issue into the public arena. It is interesting that many (not all) prolifers are also against teaching the young about the use of condoms and other contraceptives. They wont' stand for anything less than total abstinence until marriage. Such thinking is what leads to more and more unwanted pregnancies and more abortions. i know that anonymous jane regrets having had an abortion because "her views" have changed since she had an abortion, but there are many more women out there, myself included (because sometimes contraceptives do fail) who have had an abortion and do not regret the choice we made. And we are grateful that we did not have to risk our lives for this right to choose.