Read the title..bad rubbish. The person I was talking to isn't a respector of life as you are not. Death is no one's "right" to do to themselves or to anyone else.
Honestly , I havent' but my husband has watched his dad die of colon cancer and he watched him wither away to a rack of bones with a colostomy. My husband trusts God and he to this day does not believe in euthanasia. We don't believe we are God. This is life and when it gets hard, you don't kill your babies, you don't kill yourself, you don't help kill family members. Pro abortion wants to control things. You tell us we want control? we only want life as it is. You want to prevent life and death. Control freaks maybe. Sounds like you're all scared. Trust. Live. and let die naturally. Don't fear what "could" happen. You accuse us as being afraid? The only thing I fear is God. Pro abortion fear a baby being born, someone dying of a bad disease. There's no peace with the anti God, anti-life.