Re: love it! nmi
from " from ATHIEST "
it's an old friend of yours, perhaps i might help, who knows.
i had to 'see' something at one time, 'proof'. THAT WAS 50 YEARS AGO.
i had reason to pray some years ago, that prayer was answered.
doubt still were in my mind even after more prayer,which was answered.
was it a coincidence? even questioned the 'placebo effect'.
i still reasoned my use of prayer, if i doubted GOD who was answering?
i read so very much on curezone to try keep an open mind and find an answer.
i reached the conclusion that GOD is SPIRITUAL, but where does he exist?
what had happened to me was i was accepting and rejecting GOD.
REJECTION because i couldn't 'see' ACCEPTING because my prayers were answered.
pretty selfish of me.
one day whilst on the 'christian' forum it was pointed out to me by 'trapper'
that i should look inside of myself because that where GOD is.
the FATHER was in my 'phsyche' (SPIRIT).
at last, what i felt, i could 'see'. my doubts disappeared about GOD.
so ff i do not need religion, a church, or a war to find the almighty, he's with
me, and been there all of my life, it's looking into your heart ff, Tom.