Re: Is this a fair battle?
"Do you agree that the Pro-life have only a faith-based philosophy in order to defend their view?"
No, someone was posting here not too long ago who said they were anti-abortion but not religious.
"Could the Pro-life agenda have any other fact based strategies in order to defend itself?"
As I recall, the person's perspective was life begins at conception.
"If the pro-life agenda is only based on faith-based philosophies, then what does this say about what is happening in South Dakota?"
I didn't read enough of what lead up to that law. Was it largely a move by faith-based organizations/groups/lobbyists? South Dakota wouldn't have been the first place to pop to mind if I were to imagine where this might have happened (but then again, I'm on the east coast where the media (and many people, unfortunately) seem to think it is not worthwhile to report what is going on in much of the rest of the country. But that's not an excuse anymore with local papers having internet sites (as #59245 reminded me which the update post!).