Re: Right over one's body
59245: If someone decides that Person A needs a kidney, and you Person B, is a match for that kidney. Person A will die without your kidney. Do they have the right to take Person B's kidney? If Person B does not give their kidney, then Person A will die.
S -- No, that would be wrong. I think nearly 100% of the population would agree with me here.
59245: What if the government told you that you have to be in a study, and they were going to use your body for this study, and there was nothing you could do. How would you feel? Would you feel a sense of invasion? Perhaps you would say to yourself, "this isn't fair, it's my body". And you would be right to feel this way. Our bodies are the only things we truly possess.
S -- That would also be wrong. I would hate to live in a country where the Government did that.
59245: Now, you are a woman. A man forces himself on your sexually. How would you feel? You would feel violated. Someone would have violated the very core of your physical being, in the most intimate manner possible. Would you say, that it is true, that your body is your's and yours alone to do with what you wish?
S -- It is true that YOUR body is yours. We have a definition problem here though.