Re: Yes...
Once again thanks Janaki, it is so important for me to hear encourgement at the moment. What made it so good to get these message's tonight was that I had just come from the
Amalgam Forum , because I was thinking of getting the mouth full of metal that I have got, taken out in case alot of my problems I have were due to this. Anyway someone had left a really negative message, basically saying that whatever I did now because I had so much metal in my mouth this would mean that I would have some horrible illness and that this could only get worse with age and that this is what I had to look forward to no matter what I did. This was the last thing I need to hear after all the hard work I am putting into my health at the moment and I felt a bit low, so has I said good to hear your possitive words.
I am working really working hard on the diet, liver cleanse. I am not doing the flushers as I did one a few months ago and I was sick all night, I don't fell strong enouth at the moment, I am taking the chinese bitters and Vitex, I am also avoiding estrogen. I have resently started with the caster oil packs, also spliz and detox baths. I have begun enemas and noticed some improvement in my digestion, has I didn't digest food properly for years this has to be good. Thanks for all your good advice, the stuff about the moon and how it relates is just so amazing and interesting. Thanks ...Moonie ps sorry I have gone on a bit here