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thanks krupaclassy
mooney Views: 1,059
Published: 21 y

thanks krupaclassy

I just wanted to say thanks for your response it means so much at the moment just to have some understanding! I have just had the worst period of my life, so if I didn't know the endo was effecting me before I know now. I don't seem to have a problem in treams of heavy period, it just this consent pain. It felt like labour pain, like the bottom of my back was breaking, shooting pain down my buttocks and legs. It want a bit after period,but last night I was awake for most of the night with diarrhoea and being sick, went to the out patient this morning and the gave me pain killers and told me if it got worse to phone ambulance and to go to hospital. I feel so low with trying to cope with this for so long. The natural progestrone cream seemed like such a good idea and now it just feels like I have made things worse. So sorry to go on cos this was meant just as a thank you . Thank you Moonie


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