New to Forum can any of you good people help??? Questions about natural progesterone cream and more!
Hi I have been useing this site on and off for the last year and I have tried some of the cleases. I have always sufferede with bowel problems but since having my son 2 years ago by emergency c section I have been in alot of pain, mainaly in the palvic area. Finally a couple of months ago I had a laporoscpy and they fould the following. 5
cm cyst on right ovary, what the doctor discribed as a small patch of endometrosis in dugless pouch and flimsy adhesions on the right hand lower bowel, which he partially removed but couldn't whole. He as told me that the pain I have can not be due to any of these things and that it must be down to my long suffering problem of IBS. I know have absolutly no faith in him or the system that he up holds. I asked him before the lap could that make matters worse and he said no. Since having the lap I now have pain on the left hand side. I had never suffered really badly with period and I concieved my son as soon as I tried for him so I never thought that I could have gynie problems. However I have know looked into the whole thing around estrogen domince. I started on a natural progesterone cream calledprogestelle by the womens theraputic company. I amwondering if any of you good women out there have tried it? I am confussed about wether its really progeterone because of the yam sacm talked about in Dr Lees book. How ever my main problem is that I feel worse and I feel I have cut out all the things with estrogen that I have been told to. I feel like I had pmt terrible just before my last period and also breast are tender which I haven't felt for years I also feel like I have but weight on. I have decided to come off it for a few days. Am I doing right here or should I just keep trying? Any ideas? I feel that the pain is mainly coming from the adhesions and I am reluctant to have any more surgery I have read stuff about the caster oil packs which I have been trying, as anyone had great sucsess with this. I am also on a really expensive product from the USA call Aloe Plus mostly for the bowel and the immune system, I was so desperate I had to loan the money to get it. I am sorry that this is so long and that there are so many qestions. My illness as effected my life sooo much in the last few years and I just want to be well, I am reaching out in the hope that someone will hear me. Best thoughts Moonie