I think the Iraq war was probably misjudged by Bush and company. I think Bush underestimated the scope of terror over there. He also underestimated how well the LEFT in the world would help prolong this thing by providing mental backup for the terrorists.
I wasn't a big fan of this thing at the onset. I'm not particularly fond of wars. However, if this war had lasted but 2 months, ending quickly and triumphantly for American forces, you wouldn't be hearing the screams from the left like you do now. It would all be quickly forgotten (just like Afghanistan). You'd hear nothing about Bush lying or being an idiot -- or being compared to Hitler.
I do believe that the Left in this country is invested in defeat in Iraq. Their political future relies on it at this point. They NEED an Iraqi civil war. They REVEL in American deaths. They love chaos and bad news. They NEED this war to either be long and strung out -- or even better -- for Bush to pull out now so Iraq can distentigrate into widespread bloodshed. The last thing the left wants is for Iraq to become a beacon of hope and democracy in the middle east. That simply cannot happen.