"It's not so much a matter of how it looks, it's a matter of whether there is a reasonable chance that it could survive outside the womb."
With this reasoning then I would assume you are against any abortions that are performed in the last trimester?
But I did happen to notice how you casually used the word "it" to describe the baby. So what exactly is "IT"? It's not a bird or a fish or an acorn. It's a baby human being. What is it in your mind that won't let you see or accept that? If you CAN see it, do you see no value in a newly formed human life? Is that the problem? Do you feel that way about your own life as well? If you were in your mom's womb for 3 months would you be worth no more than a piece of garbage?
Maybe you simply feel that the woman's selfishness (er..."rights") trump the baby's life...?