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Re: Wrong
atalanta Views: 1,695
Published: 20 y
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Re: Wrong

I'm definitely pro choice.
MrCooties made some very viable points which I would like to touch upon.
It's true that the way the system is set up there is no help for the kids after they are born. Poeple only care that the girl does not get an abortion, but after the child is born and the pro lifers are content, forget her move on to get some other girl to keep her baby. No once cares that the baby will grow up in poverty (lots of times drug environment) with a mother who didn't want it. Who's going to take care of the baby now, not the pro-lifer's that's for sure. The bush administration wants to abolish abortion, but also cut all the support for mothers who can't afford kids. Tell me what's better, taking something out of a mother that's as big as a pinhead (definitely cannot be called a baby as so many people here do casue it's not. babies have heads, arms, legs, you get the picture)or letting children grow up in a horrible environment who will be scared for life and many will have no chance at a decent future and may end up as criminals?

There are other reasons to keep abortion such as overpopulation. Fact is people are overpopulated, and eventually this overpowerment of people is going to kill us all becasue the world cannot hold all of them. Personally I think we should not only have abortion but somehow have population control. With no natural preitors we're growing to an absurd ammount and all people want to do is add more people onto this earch no matter how many forrests and other animals will have to be killed to build more homes and more malls.

I have one more question for the prolifers. Do you support the death penalty? If you do what the F%#*?


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