Your welcome, as you can see Im very passionate about my stuff!LOL! Theres so many things out there that are very toxic to our body but they(manufacturers and usually the government)wont tell you becuase it would cause them to lose massive amounts of money. When it comes down to it you can really only be safe with foods that are not altered in any way. Pretty much all packaged and pre-prepared foods are very harmful to your health and cause most if not all of the health problems we face today. So stick with fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, preferably organic. Try doing some reading up on artificial ingredients, genetically engineered foods, and chemicals in our food. It will probably save your health. Curezone has some excellent articles and forums where you can learn more about this. And one of the nice advantages that happens when you stop eating commercially grown and packaged foods is that your body can finally shed the weight it was holding on to try and neutralize all those toxic substances your ingesting. Yeeaahh!! Good luck!