i read your post lower than this one...after i posted the first post.
anyway. you said that you had an E.D. before?
that guilty feeling you experienced is a signal that you might fall back into bad habits. someone who has/had and E.D. should not be fasting. (medically speaking)
you said you are 5'6''. make sure you keep your goal weight reasonable.
i like to use the forumla 100 pounds for 5 feet and then 5 pounds for every inch after that. be safe....and be mindful.
i never had an active e.d. but i do have the mindset of it from my backround. but i KNOW how bad an e.d. is for the body so i never let myself get into the bad habits of it.
in my past i have been around a lot of girls that have this issue. i do think you can get over it with how you chose to live your life...but that headgame a e.d. can play with you seems to pop up now and again.