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Day 13- and it seems like its been a month already.

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suchafaintline Views: 1,025
Published: 19 y

Day 13- and it seems like its been a month already.

Day 13, a Saturday. It feels like it has been a month already. Today, I desperately wanted to eat a Special K strawberry granola bar, which I reasoned with myself, "is only 90 calories, and hardly any sugar!" Well, I did open it, I did smell it, and then I threw it away. (What a waste, I know). And then I carried the wrapper around for a little while and smelled it every once in awhile. And then I realized I might possibly be losing my mind a little.
Somehow, even after yesterday's disaster of gaining back 2 lbs, I managed to get through the day, and found this morning that I lost one of them, although it makes me pretty angry that I have basically been set back two days somehow so I am working to get somewhere I have already been. Why, oh why.
The good news is, I don't get hungry. Hunger is completely gone. The only time I want to eat, is when I see something that looks particularly appealing, and I want it simply because I know how nice it would taste in my mouth. Also, and this is kind of weird... I don't feel like I am on a fast anymore. I don't get dizzy, I don't get any more tired than normal, I don't feel weak... I actually, feel no side effects, except for my vision getting a little fuzzy sometimes when I stand up to fast. It is almost making me suspicious- like I SHOULD be having side effects, or else it is not working. Haha, I should be grateful, and I am still managing to complain.
But it's weird, it's as if... you adopt this new lifestyle, just as you came into the routine of eating every day, of fixing dinner, and lunch, and eating snacks, and doing all these things that involved food, that are daily, normal things, you get used to a life of not eating, of going and reading a book while everyone else eats dinner, or running on the tread mill while everyone else is eating breakfast, and leaving the room at work to go file something so you do not have to listen to everyone talk about what they ate for lunch. Now I realize, why do people do that? Why when everyone gets back from work do they make a drawn out conversation over what they ate for lunch? "So what did you eat today?" "Oh wow, that sounds good- I had this"... GOODNESS.
Anyway. So little things still frustrate me. The fact that my underarms are very flabby, and it seems that lifting weights is not doing enough, and the fact that my thighs are still quite big... I think I am just being impatient. Just because 13 days feels like it has been a month, doesn't mean I am going to get the RESULTS of a month. Hopefully once I make it to the end, I will be where I want to be.
Either way, I feel pretty accomplished having gotten this far. It's like, once you hit a certain mark, you realize giving in would do you no good because you would only have to start from scratch again, unless you completely give up on the idea of fasting, which I won't. So, 13 down, (almost) 17 to go!
I AM concerned, about metabolism. How long does it take for it to speed up once you begin re-feeding? I am worried that no matter what I eat (I plan to eat all fruits and veggies two weeks following the fast) that I am going to gain a ton of weight just because I am eating after so long. Any thoughts?

Thanks for reading, and for any response- and thanks for the encouragement, just reading from someone yesterday that I was doing a great job, was really helpful and motivational to continue going. This forum has been very helpful to me, and I am grateful- I hope everyone is doing well on their fasting endeavors!


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