I just completed a 14 day Water Fast on Sunday. I have been eating only Watermelon oranges and apples for these past 3 days and they do taste good. I had blood work done on day 12. As expected uric acid was up to 10 (reference range is 2.7-8.2, total cholesterol was up to 290 from previous 194 (reference range is less than 200), this will lower over time. I feel much lighter and more peaceful. I told my doctor ahead of time I expected these to increase, my electrolytes remained the same. My doctor does not understand fasting, he wants me to take medicine for the uric acid and cholesterol. I am still debating weather to live only on raw food or mostly raw food. I did loose weight which was a bonus. I will post on actual weight lost after a short period of time when things stabilize. I took time away from the fourms to work on my body and mind. At times I was obsessing with these fourms. They are good for reference and support, I just needed a break to live.
Good luck to all!!!