Re: Dry Skin Brushing?
About Skin brushing
"One of the best ways to cleanse the entire lymphatic system is by brushing the
surface of the body with a soft dry brush made of natural vegetable bristles.
The traditional Chinese version of this method uses the dried fibers of a ground fruit called 'silk squash', known as loofah in the West, but natural-bristle brushes have proven to be far more effective. The brush should have a long handle, soft natural bristles, and always be kept dry.
Dry skin brushing stimulates the lymph canals to drain toxic mucoid matter into the colon, thereby purifying the entire lymphatic system.
This enables lymph to perform its house-cleaning duties by keeping the blood
and other vital tissues detoxified.
Most people today today have chronically toxic lymph fluids and swollen lymph nodes [Jos-hua's were swollen for 7 years! An Iridologist told him that his lymphatic system was virtually on the brink of collapse. Two years of cleansing totally healed his lymph.], a condition which promotes toxicity throughout the system by robbing lymph of its power to clean the blood and cellular fluids.
In addition, skin brushing is highly stimulating to surface circulation of blood and leaves you feeling invigorated.
Skin brushing need be performed only once a day, preferably first thing in the morning, and it takes only a couple of minutes.
If you're feeling sluggish, toxic, or ill, you may want to do it twice a day.
The body should be dry and naked, and the brush should be swept once or twice
in the same direction, across every surface of the body except the face.
Do not scrub, massage, or rotate the brush on the body; just sweep it across the skin in long smooth strokes in the direction of the colon.
Brush up the arms from hands to shoulders, up the legs from feet to hops, down the back and torso, up the bullocks, down the neck, and across the shoulders.
After a few days, you may notice a gelatinous mucoid material in your stools; that's toxic lymph which has drained into your colon owing to skin brushing."
For a thorough lymphatic cleansing, perform skin brushing daily for about three months during and after your Bowel Cleansing program.
Source: Daniel Ried, Guarding the Three Treasures.