Hi Jenni, I am glad things are going great for you:) And you made it to day 7, yeah! I am day 9 of what? I don't know, completed the 7 day Water Fast friday, and began the Master-Cleanse yesterday and it did NOT go well with me at all, so today I am back to water. I think I will try the Master-Cleanse again tomorrow like an every other day thing, again I will TRY. The lemon mix was yucky, even the tea was yucky and all I wanted was water, so thats what I am gonna drink today. AND I had hunger pangs yesterday on it with my stomach growling which I didn't have on any day of my water fast, so I thought that was strange. I may have prematurly broken my water fast. I find myself getting up in the early morns too like 2 or 3am, but able to go back to sleep so I am not tired much during the day. did take the kids to the movies yesterday and slept through some, but after that I was WIDE AWAKE! I forgot are you doing water or juice or MC?