A few ideas
Just throwing a few ideas your way:
Since you're an athlete how about just exercising the
pounds off? High Intensity Interval Training shouldn't take too much of your time, but get your metabolism higher, with more growth hormone like is produced in your on-season workouts.
Also instead of doing a straight fast, how about doing 24-hour fasts (because the metabolism doesn't slow down this way). On alternate days you would skip breakfast and lunch, then eat dinner. (dinner to dinner, 24 hours). If you do that Mon, Wed, Fri, then you have saved a lot of calories, but you don't have to eat low-calorie when you're actually eating.
And don't forget to eat really often, small snacks and meals every 2-3 hours, this really keeps the metabolism running fast too.
And of course drinking green tea raises the metabolism.
I just don't think that fasting is the ideal way to lose weight in the long run. You might look great at the end of the week, but two weeks later you'll probably have gained quite a bit of what you lost back and your metabolism will be a little slower. So that's why I made these suggestions, just to give you a few more options to consider, to be done all together or pick and choose.