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Day 2!
anastaw Views: 854
Published: 20 y

Day 2!

Hello. I'm on day 2 of my fast, I have no idea how long I will go. I tried at the beginning of the year to start a 40 day fast but failed miserably on the 2nd day. I think it was the long term feeling of the fast that kept me feeling like I couldn't do it... who knows. This time I'm going to keep going for as long as I can. It's not nearly as hard this time, although I'm not only drinking water, I'm also drinking green tea. I know it's calorie-free, but I want to make sure that it still promotes ketosis in my body...anyone know??
I'm starting to feel hungry, so I'm really needing support during these upcoming days.
I would like to lose 50 lbs. Not necessarily through this fast, but I want it be be a big help and a nice start to a healthier life.
I'm taking it one step at a time with my addictions, though... Because I'm still smoking a fews cigarretes daily. I want to get rid of my food addiction first and then I will work on the nicotine addiction. I know it sounds backwards but every time I've quit smoking before I ended up gaining more weight because I ate more so I want to make sure that doesn't happen this time. Am I making sense??
I also have a couple of questions... What's the best way to ensure you don't gain the weight back?? I'm supposing eating smaller amounts and mostly fresh food, and exercising on a regular basis. Anything else I need to know???
Thanks for listening everyone.




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