21 y
Re: Afraid of the Dark?
There are writings about Heaven. Islamic scholars have said the following....( this is translated by a person and very brief, I heard it originally in Arabic ( cassette ) and asked someone next to me...
there are houses, mansions made of pearls, jewels of every kind,
rivers of the purest water never to be seen before, rivers of pure milk, and of pure honey...when you reach with your hand to get a piece of fruit of a nearby tree, the branch will bend down and go right to your hand...when you feel like eating the flesh of fowls you will see one flying ( type of heavely bird ) when you feel like eating it will instantly be before you on a platter, cooked and ready, when you have eaten your fill, in an instant it will be flying again...jewels will be every where, every type of jewel, crystal, structures and floors made of crystal, diamonds, pearls, rubies, and there will never be any thing loud or immoral, no pain ever, ever lasting peace... garments of thick green silk, thrones, mansions, trees, rivers and springs....
Love, there will be husband and wife in such deep love that they will embrace and feel the exhilerating pure love, they will hug eachother, holding eachother for 40 years... no one will ever feel sorrow, only love will abide forever...gentleness, bliss and peace everything glorifying God, i cannot describe it.. just a small exerpt.