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14 Day Fast with lab results
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14 Day Fast with lab results

As promised in an earlier post, here are my lab results comparing tests taken at the start of a 14 day water fast, compared to one week into the fast. Before I go any further I should say that I am not a doctor, and nothing in this post should be construed as any kind of medical advice whatsoever.

The results were pretty much as expected. Mid-fast results for Uric acid was high enough that the lab sent my blood to a second lab for verification. Dr. Furhman's book says that levels as high as 18 are sometimes seen, and this is to be expected. Cholesterol rose, which is also to be expected, since plaque from the blood vessel walls, and other less-essential fats, are mobilized into the blood stream for energy.

Also below is the daily log I kept during the fast, which included urine PH, salinity, ketones, blood pressure, and weight.

Here are my own observations 4 days after ending the fast. Since then I have been eating only fruits, vegetables, and a few nuts:


1. Lifelong eczema on elbows has almost disappeared. Previously I had tried everything from Vitamin E to pumice stones to correct this, with no long-term success. Now it's much better than I ever remember it being.

2. Skin is much smoother and has better color.

3. Blood pressure dropped into a very healthy range, and continues to remain in the same low area (currently 111/72) after resumption of eating.

4. Weight dropped 25 lbs by the end of the fast and has now stabilized at 232.2 after resumption of eating. I believe I'll be able to maintain this weight, or continue reducing at a slower rate, as long as I stay on my current (new) diet habits.

5. A walnut-sized fatty tumor (lipoma) on my stomach has shrunk to about the size of a small marble. Prior to the fast, it stuck out from my stomach and was very pronounced. Now it's difficult to find it.

6. Cholesterol should drop over the next 3 months to a healthier level than pre-fast, according to Dr. Furhman's book. I plan on getting another series of blood tests in a few months to verify this.

7. Urine PH is already higher than pre-fast levels, and it appears to be moving up still. Currently it's at 6.1 .

8. I have much more energy. I've been getting things done around the house that have been on my 'to-do' list for years.

Laboratory Report
Laboratory testing was performed by:

Patient Information
DOB: 4/27/1961
Sex: M

Tests/Panels Ordered
Order Code Description
210475 CMP14+LP+TP+TSH+5AC+CBC/D/Plt
12057 Comment
210475 CMP14+LP+TP+TSH+5AC+CBC/D/Plt

2/25/2006 3/3/2006
Laboratory Results Prefast MidFast
Description Result Result Range Units
A/G Ratio 1.8 2.0 1.1-2.5
"Albumin, Serum" 4.6 4.8 3.5-5.5 g/dL
"Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum" 63 63 25-150 IU/L
ALT (SGPT) 42 38 0-55 IU/L
AST (SGOT) 29 31 0-40 IU/L
Baso (Absolute) 0 0.0 0.0-0.2 x10E3/uL
Basos 0 0 0-3 %
"Bilirubin, Total" 0.4 1.1 0.1-1.2 mg/dL
BUN 15 11 5-26 mg/dL
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 14 11 8-27
"Calcium, Serum" 10.1 10.6 8.5-10.6 mg/dL
"Carbon Dioxide, Total" 21 20 20-32 mmol/L
"Chloride, Serum" 108 100 96-109 mmol/L
"Cholesterol, Total" 258 307 100-199 mg/dL
"Creatinine, Serum" 1.1 1.0 0.5-1.5 mg/dL
Eos 1 1 0-7 %
Eos (Absolute) 0.1 0.0 0.0-0.4 x10E3/uL
Free Thyroxine Index 2.4 2.5 1.2-4.9
GGT 30 24 0-65 IU/L
"Globulin, Total" 2.5 2.4 1.5-4.5 g/dL
"Glucose, Serum" 99 78 65-99 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 38 33 40-59 mg/dL
Hematocrit 50.4 55.5 36.0-50.0 %
Hemoglobin 17.6 19.1 12.5-17.0 g/dL
"Iron, Serum" 93 108 40-155 ug/dL
LDH 184 162 100-250 IU/L
LDL Cholesterol Calc 147 228 0-99 mg/dL
Lymphs 29 35 14-46 %
Lymphs (Absolute) 1.6 1.7 0.7-4.5 x10E3/uL
MCH 32.5 32.3 27.0-34.0 pg
MCHC 34.9 34.5 32.0-36.0 g/dL
MCV 93 94 80-98 fL
Monocytes 7 8 4-13 %
Monocytes(Absolute) 0.4 0.4 0.1-1.0 x10E3/uL
Neutrophils 63 56 40-74 %
Neutrophils (Absolute) 3.4 2.7 1.8-7.8 x10E3/uL
"Phosphorus, Serum" 4 3.9 2.5-4.5 mg/dL
Platelets 260 270 140-415 x10E3/uL
"Potassium, Serum" 4.3 4.9 3.5-5.5 mmol/L
"Protein, Total, Serum" 7.1 7.2 6.0-8.5 g/dL
RDW 13.6 13.6 11.7-15.0 %
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count 5.41 5.93 4.10-5.60 x10E6/uL
"Sodium, Serum" 144 138 135-148 mmol/L
T. Chol/HDL Ratio 6.8 9.3 0.0-5.0 ratio units
T3 Uptake 33 36 24-39 %
Thyroxine (T4) 7.2 7.0 4.5-12.0 ug/dL
Triglycerides 367 232 0-149 mg/dL
TSH 3.558 3.310 .350-5.500 uIU/mL
"Uric Acid, Serum" 7.3 15.0 2.4-8.2 mg/dL
White Blood Cell(WBC)Count 5.4 4.9 4.0-10.5 x10E3/uL

End Of Report

Daily Log

date Day time gluc ketones salin ph BP Pulse weight

2/20/06 -4 23:00 87
2/21/06 -3 16:00 101 neg 1.004 5.3 140/101 255.5
2/22/06 -2 10:00 85 trace 1.017 4.9 141/100 254.2
2/23/06 -1 11:00 94 neg 1.004 5.8 153/101 80 252.4
======== start of fast ==========
2/24/06 1 7:00 92 neg 1.017 4.9 150/106 80 254
2/25/06 2 8:45 87 20 1.013 5.0 147/99 64 249.4
2/26/06 3 8:15 82 50 1.006 5.2 147/94 62 246
2/27/06 4 7:25 69 100 1.018 5.0 134/91 71 243.6
2/28/06 5 8:20 63 140 1.008 5.0 130/84 64 240.8
3/1/06 6 7:10 69 150 1.006 4.9 118/78 72 238
3/2/06 7 7:15 73 150 1.008 5.1 129/85 64 235.4
3/3/05 8 6:40 67 155 1.01 5.1 125/82 77 235.4
3/4/05 9 8:00 76 160 1.018 5.3 115/75 74 232.2
3/5/05 10 7:30 72 160 1.005 5.4 115/76 68 232.2
3/6/05 11 7:00 77 100 1.007 5.5 128/85 80 232.8
3/7/06 12 7:00 72 150 1.003 5.2 119/84 84 230.2
3/8/06 13 5:30 73 80 1.001 5.4 115/79 77 229
3/9/06 14 5:00 76 120 1.004 5.4 111/75 64 229
======== end of fast ===========



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