blindness and canola/rapeseed oil
From "young Again!" by John thomas
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Blindness & Oils
"Since the days of revelation, the same four corrupting errors have been made over and over again: submission to faulty and unworthy authority: submission to what was customary to believe: submission to prejudices of the mob; and worst of all. concealment of ignorance by a false show of unheld knowledge, for no other reason than pride."
Roger Bacon
Millions of people have suffered the loss of their vision from glaucoma, a dis-ease involving atrophy (deterioration) of the optic nerve. For years, the experts have been telling people that glaucoma results from fluid pressure buildup in the eye which causes the optic nerve to deteriorate. This THEORY was based on an incorrect medical model. They were wrong!
The experts now admit that these things are NOT true and have given birth to a new theory that says glaucoma is caused by a deficiency of oxygen and blood flow. Finally, they are on the right track. In the end, they will discover that glaucoma is the result of insufficient blood flow and agglutina-tion (clumping) of red blood cells, metabolic waste build-up in intercellular fluids and spaces, and hormone irregularities.
Agglutinated blood CANNOT squeeze through the ex-tremely fine capillaries of the posterior eye (over 80 miles per eye) and, therefore, cannot deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells and the mitochondria, nor can it remove cellular waste.
Death of the mitochondria in the cells of the posterior eye Is due to oxygen starvation, sodium toxicity, and waste accumulation. When the cells die, the tissues of the posterior eye atrophy and the dead cells create acid waste. Acid waste build-up, nutrient starvation and hormone short falls are also behind hair loss, Alzhelmers, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia and hearing disorders. For sure, hormonal Issues must be addressed if the body's receptor sites are to be cleared of hormone analogs. (A hormonal "analog" is a molecule that fits neuro receptors and blocks normal function.) Yeast Is also a major contributor to eye, ear and sinus problems. "Floaters" in the eye Is YEAST. Bt age 47 your author was plagued with floaters. Today, I have none!
Rape or Canola?
The name canola Is a "coined" word. It is not listed in anything but the most recent reference sources. It is a word that appeared out of nowhere!
The flip side of the canola coin reads: RAPE! You must admit that canola sounds better than rape. The name "canola" masked the introduction of rape oil to America.
Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the Mustard family of plants. Rape is the MOST toxic of all food oils. Rape is a toxic plant and insects will not eat rape. It is deadly poisonous. The oil from the rape seed is a hundred times more toxic than soy oil!
Canola oil is a semi-drying oil that is used as a lubri-cant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base and as an illumlnant for the slick color pages you see in magazines. Canola is an industrial oil. It does NOT belong in the body!
Canola oil—like soy oil and soy protein—has some interesting characteristics and affects on living systems. For example, it forms latex-like substances that cause agglutina-tion of the red blood corpuscles just like soy, only MUCH more pronounced. Loss of vision is a known characteristic side effect of rape oil. Rape oil antagonizes the central and peripheral nervous systems. Deterioration takes years to manifest.
Rape (canola) oil stresses the body's terrain in general, and contributes to multiple symptomatic condi-tions in the bodies of ANIMALS—and humans.
Rape oil was in widespread use in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991 when it was thrown out. Do you remember reading about the cows, pigs and sheep that went blind, lost their minds, and attacked people? They had to be shot!
Not long after the first edition of this book appeared, a woman called me from Chicago to tell me that she was in England at the time the Mad Cow Disease was at Us peak. She told me that she witnessed a news report on television that told people not to panic if they had been using rape oil in their dietand were over 65 years of age. The "experts" added that the effects of rape oil Ingestton take at least ten years to manifest, and in all likelihood, most of these people would be dead by then anyway. Interesting!
"Experts" blamed the erratic behavior on a viral dis-ease called scrqpte. However, when rape oil was removed from animal feed, scrapie disappeared. A thoughtful reader sent your author a serious. In depth study of the affects of Canola on dairy cattle In Canada. The results was disastrous to the animals. Now Americans are growing rape seed and using rape (canola) oil In the USA. Canola oil Is now our problem. It is widely used In thousands of processed foods—with the bless-ings of government watchdog agencies, of course.
Officially, canola oil is known as "LEAR" oil. The acro-nym stands for low crude acid rape. The experts in the industry love to tell the story of how canola was developed in Canada and that it is safe to use. They admit it was developed from the rape seed, but that through genetic engineering (Irradiation) It is no longer rape seed, but Instead "canola!"
The experts love to talk about canola's "qualities"—like its unsaturated structure, omega 3'8,6'8, and 12'8, its wonderful digestibility and its fatty acid makeup. They malign naturally saturated oils and fats and come to the rescue with canola oil. They even tell us how Asia has warmly embraced canola due to its distinctive .flavor. Isn't it wonderful how multinational oil cartels "help" third world people? Doesn't their story remind you of the introduction of microwave ovens?
In the old west, there was an earthy expression that sums up the industry flim-flam that accompanied the smoke and mirror Introduction of rape oil into the diets of unsuspect-ing people world wide. It was, "Horse Shit & Gun Smoke!"
The term canola gave the perfect cover for cartel Inter-ests who wanted to make billions. The name "canola" is a warm fuzzy, but powerful interests have nothing to worry about. The public has already bought the farm!
Chemical Warfare
The chemical warfare agent, MUSTARD GAS Is derived from rape oil. This is the chemical agent that was responsible for blistering the lungs and skin of hundreds of thousands of solders and civilians during WW I. Recent reports from the French Indicate mustard gas was used during the Gulf War.
Between 1950 and 1953, white mustard seed (rape seed) was irradiated in Sweden to Increase seed production and oil content. Irradiation is the same process the experts want to use to make ourfood sq/eto eat. Genetically engineered fruits and vegetables—which will soon have innocent things like hepatltls-B spliced into their DNA—are another example of man's misuse of technology and abuse of public trust by powerful interests and "head in the sand" watchdog agencies.
Canola oil contains large amounts of iso-thio-cyan-ates which are cyanide containing compounds. Cyanide IN-HIBITS mitochondrial production ofATP. ATP is the chemical acronym for adenosine triphosphate. which is the energy molecule that fuels the body and keeps us healthy and YOUNG!
Canola Oil & Body Metabolism
Many substances bind metabolic enzymes and block their activity in the body. In biochemistry, these substances are called inhibitors. Throughout this book we have used terms like "blo-junkfood," "toxic/acid waste," "negative energy," "drugs," "left-spin energy," etc. to describe Inhibitory energy fields.
Toxic substances in canola and soy oils encourage the formation of covalent bonds. Normally, covalent bonds are irreversible and CANNOT be broken down by the body once they have formed. This is particularly true of hormone analogs contained in birth control pills, estrogen replacements and anabolic steroids. Environmental zeno estrogens are so ubiq-uitous that they are unavoidable. The Young Again Hormone Protocol™ is used to reverse system damage.
Consider the pesticide malathion. It binds to the active site of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and stops this en-zyme from doing what it is supposed to do, which is to divide acetylcholine into chollne and acetate. Malathion is the "harm-less" pesticide spray used to kill the Med Fly and blanket every living thing in California in the early 90's. again in 1994, and in Texas in 1995. Malathion is an organ ophosphate.
Nerve Function & Organophosphates
Acetycholine is critical to NERVE impulse trans-mission. When inhibited, nerve synapses do not function normally and the muscles do not respond.
For example, think of your garage door opener. If no signal Is sent, the door does not open. In the case of the body, your hand or leg does not respond. Perhaps you have noticed the tremendous increase in disorders like systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, restless legs syndrome, pulmonary hypertension and peripheral neuropathy in recent years. Soy and canola oils are players In the development of these dis-ease conditions. So are the organophosphate insec-ticides used in food production in the name of efficiency.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors cause paralysis of the striated (skeletal) muscles and spasms of the respira-tory system.
That is why malathion is the pesticide of choice by the
experts. It kills insects by causing muscle paralysis—just like rotenone from soy beans! It inhibits the insect's enzymes and it Inhibits human enzymes, too!
Agents orange and blue were used in Vietnam to defo-liate jungle cover are organophosphorous compounds. The Vietnam Vets and the Vietnamese people know first-hand about them. Government experts who okayed their use and chemical companies that manufactured them have finally owned up to their toxic effects on PEOPLE and the environ-ment. Nevertheless, present day experts in academla and government continue to "abba dabba" the public with stories of "safe"
Science and cheap food through the use of poisons.
Canola oil is rich in glycosides. Glycosides cause serious problems in the human body by blocking enzyme function and locking up nerve and hormone receptors.
Glycosides Interfere with the biochemistry of humans and animals. Consider the effect of a rattlesnake bite. Glyco-sides in the venom inhibit muscle enzymes and cause Instant immobilization and tissue necrosis.
Canola Oil • HIV & AIDS
Soy and canola oil glycosides depress the Immune system. They cause the white blood cell defense system—the T-cells—to go Into a stupor and fall asleep on the Job. These oils alter the body "terrain" and promote dis-ease.
The alcohols and glycosides in canola and soy oils shut down our protective grid—the Immune system. Fluorlde, im-munizations,
Antibiotics and blo-junk food play complemen-tary roles in Immune system collapse.
An alcohol is a chemistry term for the "reactive" chemi-cal group on an organic molecule. The "-R" group is what makes organic compounds work—for good and bad! Canola alcohols and glycosides are very reactive. They are just as toxic as alcoholic beverages, but their effects manifest differently. The damage takes years to show up.
When the medical experts check your blood for the presence of the HIV virus, they are looking at your white blood cell count. If the numbers are normal, they will tell you that you do NOT have HIV. What they don't see is that the T-cells are in a toxic stupor. This opportunistic condition allows life forms In the blood and lymph to metamorphose and manifest as hepa-titis, pneumonia, herpes, HIV and to bypass the body's Im-mune system defenses (the T-cells) and get a foothold. As Claude Barnard said. The terrain is everything!"
Once inside the cells, HIV takes over the RNA and DNA. It uses the mitochondria to produce energy for its own use. Quietly, the virus multiplies (replicates) and one day—BANG!—you wake up and you are dying of AIDS.
AIDS & Green Monkeys
In his earth shaking book, AIDS The End of Civilization, Dr. William Campball Douglass asked, "Do you really think some Green Monkey all of a sudden bit some guy in the ass and presto, AIDS all over the world?"
Dr. Douglass was examining the hype that the Centers for Disease Control In Atlanta was peddling to the public about the AIDS virus—HIV. Douglass' book tells the "whole" story of the development of HIV at the Ft. Detrick, Maryland military Installation. His story is well documented and confirms the theme of the futuristic movies Outbreak and The Twelve Monkeys which I highly recommend you see.
Lorenzo's Oil
Another movie, Lorenzo's Oil, offers another good ex-ample of how far off course medical
Science has strayed and how muddled Is the scientific mind. Early on in the movie, the experts said the problem with the dying child was not in the math (i.e., pH). They were wrong.
Had the experts determined the pH of the saliva, urine and blood they would have instantly known what they were up against. That dying boy had a chronically low total body pH! So low that his body fluids were dissolving the myelin sheath that protects the nerve fibers. This was causing his nervous system to disintegrate. Does this description smack of the dozens of degenerative nerve related disorders plaguing people today?
The boy was given Lorenzo's oil to boost energy output and act as a detoxifier of metabolic poisons. The oil shocked his body into a LESS acid condition. Lorenzo's oil is OLIVE oil! When given in large quantities, olive oil SHOCKS the body and causes it to adjust pH by dumping acid wastes and bile.
Shortly after Lorenzo's Oil was released, my brother witnessed a TV talk show where an expert claimed Lorenzo's oil was rape oil. This was a lie. Give rape oil to a sick person and you will seal their doom. Here is another good example of "disinformation" in the public domain. These falsehoods should cause every thinking person to question the molding of public opinion by "shadow" interests behind the scenes.
Blood & Oils
By now it should be obvious to the reader that con- gested blood and lymph flow negatively affects every part of the body. It should be equally obvious that there is a direct link between dis-ease, diet and the water we drink. Moreover, the astronomical increase in the use of processed foods that contain canola oil, soy products and chemical
additives CON-FUSE the body and weaken the immune system.
It should also come as no surprise that anyone wanting to enjoy peak health and longevity MUST take control of their life and personal responsibility for their health. Fortunately, most health conditions can be eased and even reversed.
The "health care" industry is an oxymoron. It protects its own health and economic interests. Learn to protect YOUR health and economic interests by learning HOW to take care of yourself and acting upon that knowl-edge immediately.
Note: ABC news Just aired the results of a damning medical study that confirmed that soy and canola oils are definitely linked to prostate cancer in men. The report aired on February 15, 1994. Now the experts are promoting soy oil breast Implants for unsuspecting women. Amazing! PREVIEW: Our next chapter looks at the connection between onions, your liver and aging.
It's important to hang and s-t-r-e-t-c-h every day. Toga and Pilates are very good for superb health!
"Everything In Excess Is Opposed By Nature."
Vibrations' And Other Books Worth Reading
Leam how to use a vibration chain to determine energy "spin," siphon away pain from an Injury site or Inflamed joint, and eliminate stray electrical energy fields from your home. Vibrations is the life work of an 96 year Wizard and the perfect member of a trilogy that Includes the Pendulum Kit and Map Dowsing. Vibrations is more than a book. It's an experience—and it contains some VERY useful tips for keeping the low back in alignment when it Is "out!" And if you like history, you'll fall In love with the big 81/2 x 11. 372 page, profusely illustrated masterpeice on the 500 year history of dowsing called The Divining Hand (see Source Page 384).
Comfrey Greens
In the good old days, before the FDA decided to save us from the evils of comfrey. It could be found In health stores. Today, If you want comfrey, you have to grow It yourself or have someone grow It for you. And, if you are smart, that is exactly what you will do.
Obtain a few crowns with a few shoots and plant each one flush with the soil surface. In a few weeks, you will see luxurious plants spring out of the ground and grow up to 5 feet high and 4 feet wide. Allow plenty of space. Pick greens and blossoms from spring to frost. Nothing bothers comfrey. The roots grow to forty feet. I often cut the plants down to force new, tender growth.
The leaves may be mixed in salads or put on sandwiches. Eaten like spinach, the leaves and blossoms are at their very best! Steam until wilted, yet bright green in color. Add a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar, and you've got a highly nutritious meal.
The FDA says comfrey Is dangerous. If that's true, my family and I should all be dead! We've eaten comfrey several times a week for years and love it.
Plant comfrey once, and you will have "free" food forever—food that is outside the reach of the bureau-crats! It can also be grown in pots on the patio or inside and is easy to divide and repot over and over. Pulverized comfrey root and aloe heals peptic and Intestinal ulcers! Maybe that is why the pharmaceutical companies had the fed's ban It?
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Pesticide Free? I recently saw a huge canola oil display in a store. The sign said, "Pesticide Free." What they didn't mention was that canola oil is a long term "systemic" poison! The bugs won't eat it anyway. "Pesticide Free!" Right!
From "young Again!" by John thomas
Blindness & Oils
"Since the days of revelation, the same four corrupting errors have been made over and over again: submission to faulty and unworthy authority: submission to what was customary to believe: submission to prejudices of the mob; and worst of all. concealment of ignorance by a false show of unheld knowledge, for no other reason than pride."
Roger Bacon
Millions of people have suffered the loss of their vision from glaucoma, a dis-ease involving atrophy (deterioration) of the optic nerve. For years, the experts have been telling people that glaucoma results from fluid pressure buildup in the eye which causes the optic nerve to deteriorate. This THEORY was based on an incorrect medical model. They were wrong!
The experts now admit that these things are NOT true and have given birth to a new theory that says glaucoma is caused by a deficiency of oxygen and blood flow. Finally, they are on the right track. In the end, they will discover that glaucoma is the result of insufficient blood flow and agglutina-tion (clumping) of red blood cells, metabolic waste build-up in intercellular fluids and spaces, and hormone irregularities.
Agglutinated blood CANNOT squeeze through the ex-tremely fine capillaries of the posterior eye (over 80 miles per eye) and, therefore, cannot deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells and the mitochondria, nor can it remove cellular waste.
Death of the mitochondria in the cells of the posterior eye Is due to oxygen starvation, sodium toxicity, and waste accumulation. When the cells die, the tissues of the posterior eye atrophy and the dead cells create acid waste. Acid waste build-up, nutrient starvation and hormone short falls are also behind hair loss, Alzhelmers, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia and hearing disorders. For sure, hormonal Issues must be addressed if the body's receptor sites are to be cleared of hormone analogs. (A hormonal "analog" is a molecule that fits neuro receptors and blocks normal function.) Yeast Is also a major contributor to eye, ear and sinus problems. "Floaters" in the eye Is YEAST. Bt age 47 your author was plagued with floaters. Today, I have none!
Rape or Canola?
The name canola Is a "coined" word. It is not listed in anything but the most recent reference sources. It is a word that appeared out of nowhere!
The flip side of the canola coin reads: RAPE! You must admit that canola sounds better than rape. The name "canola" masked the introduction of rape oil to America.
Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the Mustard family of plants. Rape is the MOST toxic of all food oils. Rape is a toxic plant and insects will not eat rape. It is deadly poisonous. The oil from the rape seed is a hundred times more toxic than soy oil!
Canola oil is a semi-drying oil that is used as a lubri-cant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base and as an illumlnant for the slick color pages you see in magazines. Canola is an industrial oil. It does NOT belong in the body!
Canola oil—like soy oil and soy protein—has some interesting characteristics and affects on living systems. For example, it forms latex-like substances that cause agglutina-tion of the red blood corpuscles just like soy, only MUCH more pronounced. Loss of vision is a known characteristic side effect of rape oil. Rape oil antagonizes the central and peripheral nervous systems. Deterioration takes years to manifest.
Rape (canola) oil stresses the body's terrain in general, and contributes to multiple symptomatic condi-tions in the bodies of ANIMALS—and humans.
Rape oil was in widespread use in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991 when it was thrown out. Do you remember reading about the cows, pigs and sheep that went blind, lost their minds, and attacked people? They had to be shot!
Not long after the first edition of this book appeared, a woman called me from Chicago to tell me that she was in England at the time the Mad Cow Disease was at Us peak. She told me that she witnessed a news report on television that told people not to panic if they had been using rape oil in their dietand were over 65 years of age. The "experts" added that the effects of rape oil Ingestton take at least ten years to manifest, and in all likelihood, most of these people would be dead by then anyway. Interesting!
"Experts" blamed the erratic behavior on a viral dis-ease called scrqpte. However, when rape oil was removed from animal feed, scrapie disappeared. A thoughtful reader sent your author a serious. In depth study of the affects of Canola on dairy cattle In Canada. The results was disastrous to the animals. Now Americans are growing rape seed and using rape (canola) oil In the USA. Canola oil Is now our problem. It is widely used In thousands of processed foods—with the bless-ings of government watchdog agencies, of course.
Officially, canola oil is known as "LEAR" oil. The acro-nym stands for low crude acid rape. The experts in the industry love to tell the story of how canola was developed in Canada and that it is safe to use. They admit it was developed from the rape seed, but that through genetic engineering (Irradiation) It is no longer rape seed, but Instead "canola!"
The experts love to talk about canola's "qualities"—like its unsaturated structure, omega 3'8,6'8, and 12'8, its wonderful digestibility and its fatty acid makeup. They malign naturally saturated oils and fats and come to the rescue with canola oil. They even tell us how Asia has warmly embraced canola due to its distinctive .flavor. Isn't it wonderful how multinational oil cartels "help" third world people? Doesn't their story remind you of the introduction of microwave ovens?
In the old west, there was an earthy expression that sums up the industry flim-flam that accompanied the smoke and mirror Introduction of rape oil into the diets of unsuspect-ing people world wide. It was, "Horse Shit & Gun Smoke!"
The term canola gave the perfect cover for cartel Inter-ests who wanted to make billions. The name "canola" is a warm fuzzy, but powerful interests have nothing to worry about. The public has already bought the farm!
Chemical Warfare
The chemical warfare agent, MUSTARD GAS Is derived from rape oil. This is the chemical agent that was responsible for blistering the lungs and skin of hundreds of thousands of solders and civilians during WW I. Recent reports from the French Indicate mustard gas was used during the Gulf War.
Between 1950 and 1953, white mustard seed (rape seed) was irradiated in Sweden to Increase seed production and oil content. Irradiation is the same process the experts want to use to make ourfood sq/eto eat. Genetically engineered fruits and vegetables—which will soon have innocent things like hepatltls-B spliced into their DNA—are another example of man's misuse of technology and abuse of public trust by powerful interests and "head in the sand" watchdog agencies.
Canola oil contains large amounts of iso-thio-cyan-ates which are cyanide containing compounds. Cyanide IN-HIBITS mitochondrial production ofATP. ATP is the chemical acronym for adenosine triphosphate. which is the energy molecule that fuels the body and keeps us healthy and YOUNG!
Canola Oil & Body Metabolism
Many substances bind metabolic enzymes and block their activity in the body. In biochemistry, these substances are called inhibitors. Throughout this book we have used terms like "blo-junkfood," "toxic/acid waste," "negative energy," "drugs," "left-spin energy," etc. to describe Inhibitory energy fields.
Toxic substances in canola and soy oils encourage the formation of covalent bonds. Normally, covalent bonds are irreversible and CANNOT be broken down by the body once they have formed. This is particularly true of hormone analogs contained in birth control pills, estrogen replacements and anabolic steroids. Environmental zeno estrogens are so ubiq-uitous that they are unavoidable. The Young Again Hormone Protocol™ is used to reverse system damage.
Consider the pesticide malathion. It binds to the active site of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and stops this en-zyme from doing what it is supposed to do, which is to divide acetylcholine into chollne and acetate. Malathion is the "harm-less" pesticide spray used to kill the Med Fly and blanket every living thing in California in the early 90's. again in 1994, and in Texas in 1995. Malathion is an organ ophosphate.
Nerve Function & Organophosphates
Acetycholine is critical to NERVE impulse trans-mission. When inhibited, nerve synapses do not function normally and the muscles do not respond.
For example, think of your garage door opener. If no signal Is sent, the door does not open. In the case of the body, your hand or leg does not respond. Perhaps you have noticed the tremendous increase in disorders like systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, restless legs syndrome, pulmonary hypertension and peripheral neuropathy in recent years. Soy and canola oils are players In the development of these dis-ease conditions. So are the organophosphate insec-ticides used in food production in the name of efficiency.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors cause paralysis of the striated (skeletal) muscles and spasms of the respira-tory system.
That is why malathion is the pesticide of choice by the
experts. It kills insects by causing muscle paralysis—just like rotenone from soy beans! It inhibits the insect's enzymes and it Inhibits human enzymes, too!
Agents orange and blue were used in Vietnam to defo-liate jungle cover are organophosphorous compounds. The Vietnam Vets and the Vietnamese people know first-hand about them. Government experts who okayed their use and chemical companies that manufactured them have finally owned up to their toxic effects on PEOPLE and the environ-ment. Nevertheless, present day experts in academla and government continue to "abba dabba" the public with stories of "safe"
Science and cheap food through the use of poisons.
Canola oil is rich in glycosides. Glycosides cause serious problems in the human body by blocking enzyme function and locking up nerve and hormone receptors.
Glycosides Interfere with the biochemistry of humans and animals. Consider the effect of a rattlesnake bite. Glyco-sides in the venom inhibit muscle enzymes and cause Instant immobilization and tissue necrosis.
Canola Oil • HIV & AIDS
Soy and canola oil glycosides depress the Immune system. They cause the white blood cell defense system—the T-cells—to go Into a stupor and fall asleep on the Job. These oils alter the body "terrain" and promote dis-ease.
The alcohols and glycosides in canola and soy oils shut down our protective grid—the Immune system. Fluorlde, im-munizations,
Antibiotics and blo-junk food play complemen-tary roles in Immune system collapse.
An alcohol is a chemistry term for the "reactive" chemi-cal group on an organic molecule. The "-R" group is what makes organic compounds work—for good and bad! Canola alcohols and glycosides are very reactive. They are just as toxic as alcoholic beverages, but their effects manifest differently. The damage takes years to show up.
When the medical experts check your blood for the presence of the HIV virus, they are looking at your white blood cell count. If the numbers are normal, they will tell you that you do NOT have HIV. What they don't see is that the T-cells are in a toxic stupor. This opportunistic condition allows life forms In the blood and lymph to metamorphose and manifest as hepa-titis, pneumonia, herpes, HIV and to bypass the body's Im-mune system defenses (the T-cells) and get a foothold. As Claude Barnard said. The terrain is everything!"
Once inside the cells, HIV takes over the RNA and DNA. It uses the mitochondria to produce energy for its own use. Quietly, the virus multiplies (replicates) and one day—BANG!—you wake up and you are dying of AIDS.
AIDS & Green Monkeys
In his earth shaking book, AIDS The End of Civilization, Dr. William Campball Douglass asked, "Do you really think some Green Monkey all of a sudden bit some guy in the ass and presto, AIDS all over the world?"
Dr. Douglass was examining the hype that the Centers for Disease Control In Atlanta was peddling to the public about the AIDS virus—HIV. Douglass' book tells the "whole" story of the development of HIV at the Ft. Detrick, Maryland military Installation. His story is well documented and confirms the theme of the futuristic movies Outbreak and The Twelve Monkeys which I highly recommend you see.
Lorenzo's Oil
Another movie, Lorenzo's Oil, offers another good ex-ample of how far off course medical science has strayed and how muddled Is the scientific mind. Early on in the movie, the experts said the problem with the dying child was not in the math (i.e., pH). They were wrong.
Had the experts determined the pH of the saliva, urine and blood they would have instantly known what they were up against. That dying boy had a chronically low total body pH! So low that his body fluids were dissolving the myelin sheath that protects the nerve fibers. This was causing his nervous system to disintegrate. Does this description smack of the dozens of degenerative nerve related disorders plaguing people today?
The boy was given Lorenzo's oil to boost energy output and act as a detoxifier of metabolic poisons. The oil shocked his body into a LESS acid condition. Lorenzo's oil is OLIVE oil! When given in large quantities, olive oil SHOCKS the body and causes it to adjust pH by dumping acid wastes and bile.
Shortly after Lorenzo's Oil was released, my brother witnessed a TV talk show where an expert claimed Lorenzo's oil was rape oil. This was a lie. Give rape oil to a sick person and you will seal their doom. Here is another good example of "disinformation" in the public domain. These falsehoods should cause every thinking person to question the molding of public opinion by "shadow" interests behind the scenes.
Blood & Oils
By now it should be obvious to the reader that con- gested blood and lymph flow negatively affects every part of the body. It should be equally obvious that there is a direct link between dis-ease, diet and the water we drink. Moreover, the astronomical increase in the use of processed foods that contain canola oil, soy products and chemical
additives CON-FUSE the body and weaken the immune system.
It should also come as no surprise that anyone wanting to enjoy peak health and longevity MUST take control of their life and personal responsibility for their health. Fortunately, most health conditions can be eased and even reversed.
The "health care" industry is an oxymoron. It protects its own health and economic interests. Learn to protect YOUR health and economic interests by learning HOW to take care of yourself and acting upon that knowl-edge immediately.
Note: ABC news Just aired the results of a damning medical study that confirmed that soy and canola oils are definitely linked to prostate cancer in men. The report aired on February 15, 1994. Now the experts are promoting soy oil breast Implants for unsuspecting women. Amazing! PREVIEW: Our next chapter looks at the connection between onions, your liver and aging.
It's important to hang and s-t-r-e-t-c-h every day. Toga and Pilates are very good for superb health!
"Everything In Excess Is Opposed By Nature."
Vibrations' And Other Books Worth Reading
Leam how to use a vibration chain to determine energy "spin," siphon away pain from an Injury site or Inflamed joint, and eliminate stray electrical energy fields from your home. Vibrations is the life work of an 96 year Wizard and the perfect member of a trilogy that Includes the Pendulum Kit and Map Dowsing. Vibrations is more than a book. It's an experience—and it contains some VERY useful tips for keeping the low back in alignment when it Is "out!" And if you like history, you'll fall In love with the big 81/2 x 11. 372 page, profusely illustrated masterpeice on the 500 year history of dowsing called The Divining Hand (see Source Page 384).
Comfrey Greens
In the good old days, before the FDA decided to save us from the evils of comfrey. It could be found In health stores. Today, If you want comfrey, you have to grow It yourself or have someone grow It for you. And, if you are smart, that is exactly what you will do.
Obtain a few crowns with a few shoots and plant each one flush with the soil surface. In a few weeks, you will see luxurious plants spring out of the ground and grow up to 5 feet high and 4 feet wide. Allow plenty of space. Pick greens and blossoms from spring to frost. Nothing bothers comfrey. The roots grow to forty feet. I often cut the plants down to force new, tender growth.
The leaves may be mixed in salads or put on sandwiches. Eaten like spinach, the leaves and blossoms are at their very best! Steam until wilted, yet bright green in color. Add a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar, and you've got a highly nutritious meal.
The FDA says comfrey Is dangerous. If that's true, my family and I should all be dead! We've eaten comfrey several times a week for years and love it.
Plant comfrey once, and you will have "free" food forever—food that is outside the reach of the bureau-crats! It can also be grown in pots on the patio or inside and is easy to divide and repot over and over. Pulverized comfrey root and aloe heals peptic and Intestinal ulcers! Maybe that is why the pharmaceutical companies had the fed's ban It?
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Pesticide Free? I recently saw a huge canola oil display in a store. The sign said, "Pesticide Free." What they didn't mention was that canola oil is a long term "systemic" poison! The bugs won't eat it anyway. "Pesticide Free!" Right!