Re: Are Cereal Grains Impairing your Health?
You are right, sprouted is the way to go, live bio photon's in your food, Life Force...
Alfalfa I know has Vitamin B12 on the fourth day of germination.
I know in the Past long ago, the Aztec's, Mayans, were using corn, but now a days, all corn except in Brazil has been shown to be
Genetically-Modified corn, the bee's have carried the pollen everywhere.
Wheat Grass needs to be juiced, as the grass has barb's that irritate the gut.
I would have to look into the nutrition of sprouts more carefully, to see if they still contain, anti nutrients and mimicking proteins, in some variety's.
I think I would stay with Herb and Vegie sprouts.
Alfalfa,onion,garlic,radish kind of thing.
Read this link, is there anywhere left, where we can get grains that are not toxic to start with, to use in sprouts.