Thank you soooooo very much for the encouragement. I decided to become a vegetarian on 9-16-04 when I got in a real bad car accident. I know God saved my life because of the impact the car was totaled. So I figured what better way to start thanking God and all creation. I know what you mean about the smell of dead food. I used to love salmon and my boss got salmon the other day and I was soooo grossed out by the smell. I said to myself and I used to eat that! I even went out with my mom, took her out for her birthday and she ordered the lobster I got the veggie lasagna and I could not even look at ther plate. I went to and was so depressed. So im going strong! When I go out to eat I love not being tempted. I have been coming to curezone for a while now. I learned about Liver Flushes and I have 5 under my belt. Now I am currently on the master cleanse. I am on day 5. I am getting rid of all the junk I ate. Also all the mucus build up from milk. So when Im done with The Master Cleanse I will be a PROUD full time vegan ;-)
Thank you soo much once again.