I am looking to start a vegetarian life, perhaps moving to full vegan. I am an overweight 32 year old woman. I was at the appropriate weight for my height until about 5 years ago. Thing is I was also an anorexic/bulemic until 5 years ago. Because of the abuse I did to my body for 15 years or so, once I started eating 3 meals a day and not exercising 5 hours a day. I gained fat anywhere and everywhere it could attach.
I'd like to get to a healthy weight in a healthy way. I am starting a Master Cleanse Diet for 10 or 14 days and then would like to start on this new path.
Any help would be appreciated, first finding recipes or ways to cook the foods I eat that will help me get over the initial drastic change.
Send me your thoughts and ideas, I need all the help I can get.