Re: tell me your story
I dont really have a story, and Im not a vegetarian yet hear me out for this point I want to make. :)
I never really thought of vegetarians as down to earth my whole life growing up, eating stews and potroasts by a pioneer girl, cowgirl, home town, farm raised mom! What Im trying to say is meat and dairy were IT- of course veggies yes-but no question about it. My mom grew up eating her own farm raised, mothers and fathers work. They took care of the animals, slaughtered them by hand.
Now when I was raised, my mom's folks passed away, and they sold the farm. I ate from Safeway.
It never occured to me that the animals might be suffering in any way until about twenty years later when I started looking into how we get our milk and dairy today-
What I found out will change my opinion on vegetarians and I now know what they were talking about all along. The story of a bleeding heart animal lover is such media propaganda, because now I am aware of just how much these farmers are making these days. These factory farms that have evolved from greed are nothing like my grandparents farms. They are disgusting slave torture chambers for all the animals involved. Everything from eggs, to furs, all water foul, dairy farms is utterly repulsive to me now.
Which leads to laboratory animals, vivisection and the list goes on.
I have cut down on meat, and avoid factory farmed meat, but I do not believe that meat is not meant to be eaten. I beleive its here for us if we need it. But who needs it when there are so much other things to eat? I eat seafood, and some clean meats, I have enjoyed the fake soy meats, and I eat more veggies.
It all depends how the animal lives, what was in the diet, was it mutilated, slaughtered methods-
Unfortunately, its hard to undo years of eating habits. I am fond of ice cream, yet I know I dont agree with how they treat the cows-mostly diseased and surely tortured, so I try to limit it and look for alternatives.
Just my 2 cents-
Bottom line, life is sacred, when you bite into that piece of meat-that was a living creature that had to die just so you can eat that. That had to bleed and be cut up and destroyed. This is something to think about, something that shouldn't be done breakfast , lunch and dinner everyday. ( when its not needed)