Re: For all fasters trying to lose weight
What's with the preaching? That's not the blatant truth, that's one person's experience. Everyone is different, there's too many factors that come into play in everyone's life.
I got into juice fasting. I did a few long and short fasts and I started feeling much better about myself...that led to me becoming even moreso disgusted with Americans and how much artificial crap they put into their bodies without even realizing it. I used to think "Cheetos...what the flip?! Who the hell had that 'great' idea?"
This in turn led to me eating mostly raw, natural and organic foods...which then led to me losing a lot of weight...whcih THEN led to negative calorie type diets and anorexia.
Since then, I've gone from 170 to 135. BUT I moved away from home to come to college. I'm re-united with my sister and my life is a living hell, I'm not happy anymore and I'm eating junk food, I don't have the desire to juice fast or eat healthy and sometimes, I'll go to McDonalds when I'm not even hungry just to scarf down some food and vomit it back up. Now...the bulemia thing is just a every now and then thing these days cuz its something i know i shouldnt be doing.
im obsessed with my weight now and its disgusting me. i was happier at 170.
they say fasting isnt for people with eating disorders, teenagers, or people with mental disorders or drug users. Apparently they're right.
actually my problem is a more personal thing. it was a bad idea for me to come here in the first place knowing fully well that im never happy around my sister and at home, my mom finally moved out so it was just my father and myself. it was great because he's the only person in this world i love as much as that so it was easy for me to eat the way i wanted. if youre around people that stress you out or cause drama in your life...cances are your success rates could be low. i hate my life.
thank you.