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For what it's worth
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Published: 21 y

For what it's worth

If you are having trouble making your fasting goals, try incorporating self hypnosis and visualization techniques.

It does take a little extra effort in the beginning and practice, but it is easy and can be used for many other things also. Professional athletes use it to improve their performance.

In a book "Psycho Cybernetics" by Maxwell Malts, he talks about a basket ball team that was split up into 2 seperate groups to practice free throws. One group actually did practice with the ball, and the other group practiced with visualization techniques without the ball. In a given time period, the two groups were within a couple of percentage points of improvement. This technique works well with SH.

In a nut shell, your subconscious mind rules and you can program it to do what ever it is that you want it to do. Like I said, it takes practice, but it will make fasting a lot easier.

There are a lot of books on SH, and they all have variations of the technique, but will all work. I have read several and have taken what works for me from all of them.

Try it. The bonus is they all try and get you into a receptive relaxed zone, which we can all benefit from.


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