Re: juice fast for Hives
I had this once!!! A few years ago - I think it was the summer of 99, I started to break out in hives every day! It got so bad, they'd come out everywhere, even the bottom of my feet and my palms. I saw an allergist who ran a bunch of tests, but they never could find a cause. I had to take benadryl to get them to go away, which would knock me out. It was a terrible time. The only thing that ever came back in my bloodwork was a positivity for epstein barr - or chronic fatigue. Oh - and my lips would also swell - angiodema, that can be the sign of a life-threatening allegy attack.
The hives continued that entire summer into the fall. I had some enlarged lymph nodes that they began to suspect to be cancerous, as hives can be a sign of some kinds of cancers. I had to get a biopsy. A few weeks before the biopsy, I got really frightened and started taking control of my health. I began a whole foods, veg diet, and walked miles every day. I started cleaning myself out instinctively.
The surgeon gave me his opnion of the hives - STRESS. He thought I was a type A person making myself sick with stress. I didn't agree then, but do now in hindsight.
I do, however, think that those hives were the sign that my body was attacking itself, and the onset of my thyoid problem.
The biopsy didn't show cancer. And the hives stopped right around that time, as mysteriously as they came.
I think
juicing is the smartest thing you can do right now!