I have read that bags under the eyes indicates a kidney issue. If you have gotten them while on your fast it could indicate that the kidneys are detoxing and its showing up under your eyes. It could be a symptom of a "healing crisi' within the kidneys and time may make the bags go away. Beets in your juice will help with this, however my personal experience with beets is that they are very aggressive cleansers. I put a medium beet into a juice i had this morning and feel sick all day from it. I know that is the cleansing action at work from my experiences in the past. Even though I already have a lot of detoxing done, I still had this experience. I plan to go EASY with the b eets and only add 1/2 a beet to any one juice meal until my body is a little more cleansed. I would only suggest that you either add 1/2 a beet to your juice at each meal, or if you already are adding beets to either sit tight and let it do its magic or cut back a litle so the kidneys are less burdened by the beets action. Hope this helps.