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Re: Day feeling detox symptoms?
Dazzle Views: 2,377
Published: 19 y
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Re: Day feeling detox symptoms?

With all those disorders you listed, I reiterate, it is very important to drink only raw, live juices.

It is my firm belief that all disorders and dis-eases are a result of toxin overload and poor nutrition, both of which can be rectified with a juice fast, but only if raw, live juices are used.

I still suggest you consult with a Naturopath.  If you can't do that, then research on your own, and remember when you're detoxing, that means toxins are trying to leave the body and they are in the blood, which is why you feel so badly... with the various disorders you've listed and the meds you're taking, it's very important you keep the detox from overwhelming your blood, and organs, which is why I suggested modifying your fast with bananas and other raw fruits and veggies.

Yes, the symptoms you listed sound very much like detox symptoms that occur on a fast.  When these come about, I suggest you drink more fresh raw juices, especially the greens, more herbal teas and lots and lots more pure water.  And rest.

I have no idea if the $40 juicers are worth your while, you pretty much get what you pay for.  But it's better than bottled juices... Target, Walmart, those kind of places also sell juicers. I believe my daughter got her's at Sam's Club.  You can get grapefruits,  oranges and lemons and juice the grapefruits and oranges with a citrus juicer and drink the lemons as a hot tea with cayenne pepper... Just some ideas to get you to drinking live raw juices of some kind.

A link that has all kinds of articles, including healing properties of various fruits and veggies (tailor your fast to heal your ailments), juice recipes, what to expect on a fast and the benefits of juicing and the like:

A 30 Day Juice Fast Journal:

Don't forget to pamper your spirit when you're feeling down and low.  I hope you feel better soon...
~ Dazzle



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