Re: From MC to juice fasting...
3 - 6 cups of juice, half fruits, half veggies
Yes, after a day or two you will begin losing weight again, though not quite as rapidly as on the
Master-Cleanse (at least that's the way it was for me)
Eliminations are similar to during the MC, sometimes a little bit more solid - make sure you strain out any pulp.
Senna &
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) is definitely a good idea.
I did the following breaking procedure (somewhat adapted):
Paavo Airola's recommended break:
Day 1: Eat one whole apple in the morning and a very SMALL bowl of raw veggie salad at lunch, in addition to your regular juices.
Day 2: Soaked prunes or figs for breakfast (or other fresh fruit) with the soaking water for breakfast. Veggie soup (limit salt) for dinner. Two apples between meals. Chew WELL! Continue regular juices today.
Day 3: Same as day 2, but add a cup of plain natural yogurt with the fruit for breakfast, increase salad at lunch and add a baked potato, simply dressed. Have a slice of whole grain bread and butter with veggie soup and a slice of cheese for dinner.
Fourth day: Start adding foods gradually from this day.
To get the digestive tract going I added in tiny amounts of plain low-fat yoghurt from day one and then upped the amount gradually.
Juice Fasting was a lot easier for me than the
Master-Cleanse (17 + 8 days)
Hope this helps!