Thank You Larry! I am going to check out the Dr. Schulze Detox. I forgot to mention that we did do a Colon Cleanse with Bentonite apple juice and psyllium, that started out with a laxative cocktail with epsom salt. Also included enemas 2 times a day. We did that for three days before starting the MC.
UPDATE - Doctors office called and said that all of her blood work came back normal. And they are all so "shocked" that she doesn't have any deficiecies considering that she was on lemonade, maple syrup, and cayenee pepper for 20 days! They said that her body just retaliated and to keep taking the pain meds and stay in bed and drink chicken broth. So she said she can't stand up with out it hurting so ive just been shuffling broth and jello back and forth all day. I hope it get's better soon. I was really scared earlier, but with the Dr. saying nothing is wrong with her blood work brought some answers, but not all..