Re: Just to let you know..
Great work! Please do drop in and let us know how things are going!
I did 48 days
Master-Cleanse last summer, then switched to juices to day 60!!!
This summer I have done the series of tens, with ten days cleansing diet between. I did two MC, then to day 7 on
Master-Cleanse and switched to juice last time, and this trip has been all juice.
The big difference between one long and the series has been in the break. A very long fast is a VERY long break, and really requires scrupulous attention! If not, you will pay the price! Plus, my whole metabolism reset last summer and I lost hair for two months. It was definitely a tough process, but the results were WELL worth! This summer I truly feel I am approaching my goal -- turning 50 October 2 with a clean pink COLON!
Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying that clean, clear, EMPTY feeling!
Big hug,