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Re: Mercury poisoned-just got test back
sunne Views: 2,134
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Re: Mercury poisoned-just got test back

This post could go various places including a general forum on holistic treatement.

14 Amalgams removed during April, still leaving 4 capped root canals in my mouth. The dentist who did these removals referred me to his holistic MD, whom I had an initial consultation with recently, during which he began to gather health and history info and proceeded to explain his basic philosophy. An interesting nugget he disclosed regarding VitaminC (which he uses and administers orally and via IV as needed): he considers any and all forms derrived from Corn to be inferior because, since the 90s, Corn (and other produce crops) has been increasinlgy corrupted by Genetically-Modified - genetic modifcation. I had never considered this before but after he mentioned it, sort of gave me a "duhh, now that I consider this, makes sense" reaction. He mentioned four brands that he feels are superior, but I'm holding off mention of these for a later time, mostly because I tried to remember but forgot them all, one of them was a brand I believe he called "Perque".

Among the battery of tests he foresees in establishing his own baseline for my present condition, is a Mercury Challenge Test to provide some evidence of how much of a mercury burden is now deeply seated within my tissues / bones / organs / etc. DMSA is far more expensive than I had imagined, glad this is only a quicky course (two pills, 500mg each, totalling $25.00, mixed/compounded by a local pharmacy on his request)to provide a sample of stirred up mercury. Day 1 - take one pill, day 2 and 3, do nothign out of the ordinary, Day 4, take second pill, day 4, capture morning urine, send it off to be analyzed.

His recommendations for Chelation as well as supplementation are in his plans but down the road after he's developed a baseline.


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