Checking in: Day 49!
Howdy Happy Juicers!!
I finished 46 days of the MC, then drank half a gallon of fresh OJ, best thing I ever tasted, and lots of water for day 47,
Then, OJ, a wonderful colonic... a yogurt with good culture/papaya smoothie for lunch, then straight to Costco, where I scored a very nice juicer!!
I live in Mexico, and this is a Mex-made, all metal juicer called Turmix, and really hums along!
Cleaned out the produce section, came home and made a V8 kind of thing with carrot, tomato, celery, nopal cactus, parsley, green onion and garlic... threw my cayenne right into that and WOW!
I am in juice heaven!
I will be doing 12 days of juices, for a total cleanse including the
Master-Cleanse of 58 days! Then, I am thinking maybe a movie career.
Is Cecil B. DeMille still available?
Anyhow, I am now a fellow Happy Juicer, and fiercely proud of it!
Rah! Raw!