I thought I read somewhere that someone had very good results by juicing vegetables and putting the juice on the face as some sort of mask. Has anyone tried it. I know by juicing leafy vegetables in the morning with some garlic in it and caking on Benzoyl Peroxide morning and night will clear up my skin really quick.
I have been trying Apple Cidar Vinagar both topically and injested every day for a while and it didn't seem to help much (granted I had couple days where I ate poorly and had some chips and salsa). Then gave myself an enema and drank vegetable juice 2 days and then last night started to treat myself with BP again and this morning it all just seemed to almost leave over night. Oh, I also eat yogurt and drink kefir to help my acne.
Anyway, I am very curious if anyone has tried putting the vegetable juice on the face.